Nessaea species

These are closely related to Catonephele, and are easily recognised by the green colouration to the underwing and the pigmentary blue bands on the forewing.There are five species.They are confined to  swampy primary rain forest and are fast flyers. They feed on rotting fruit.  

 They   are unusual in producing one of only a few blue pigments to be found in any animal species, as most species use iridescence (such as M didius) . The pigment (pterobilin) may have a role in heat transfer  (P.brassicae species) as the wing scales with the pigment pterobilin are morphologically different that may facilitate photoreception.

Other species  that use pterobilin  include G. agamemnon, G.antiphates ,G.doson and G.sarpedon.

The related compound  -phorcabilin is used by P phorcas and G weiskei .


Nessaea aglaura

nessaea aglaura


M A1 £ out of stock

nessaea aglaura verso

Nessaea hewitsonii

nessaea hewitsonii

Hewitson's olivewing -Electric blue 



WS   - variable 60-70mm

Pair (M/F) A1/a1- £15

nessaea hewitsonii verso

Male verso

nessaea hewitsonii female

Hewitson's olivewing- Female


WS -variable 60-70mm

nessaea hewitsonii female verso


Nessaea obrinus

nessaea obrinus


WS 65mm

out of stock

nessaea obrinus verso