
This is a large family with over 10000 species. The Arctiinae have been added to this family.

Erebinae are found world wide and includes some of the largest moths in the world such as Thysania agrippina (white witch) which can have a 300mm wingspan.

This group has some unusual traits, such as having piercing and sucking mouth parts. The tip of the proboscis is hardened and 'saw like' . Thus the fruit eating Eudocima genus can pierce fruit to suck fluid . The vampire moth Calyptra thalictri has taken this to a new ecological niche drinking blood from mammals. The Gorgone macarea drinks the tears of sleeping birds.

Some species can be longed lived ,probably because of their ability to feed on more protein than typical moths. Other Erebids feed from rotting fruit.

They are strong flyers and can migrate large distances.

They tend to have brightly coloured hind wings which they suddenly reveal if threatened.

They hide in crevices during the day -often clustered together especially on cold days .